Presence on Multiple Social Media Platforms


If you haven’t already, start taking advantage of different features on social media and build a following that keeps your brand top-of-mind when it comes to the holiday season. Here are a few examples of helpful social media features.

Facebook recently published a list of their own to help businesses prepare their business page for all the holiday advertising about to take place. Some of their recommendations include:

Create ads that build awareness and consideration.
Use videos to make your brand unique and capture attention. Create ads with a strong call to action button which directs them to a purchase. Utilize carousel ads to showcase multiple different products and making it easy for customers to browse your inventory.
Find our audience.

Make sure your ads reach as many relevant customers as possible

This will create a following who will be aware of your brand and be able to pick your business out over all the holiday advertising.
Instagram & pinterest

Define your audience
Don’t throw your holiday advertising phone leads out over a crowd of people who have no interest in your products. Defining your audience will strengthen the connection you have with your customer base and create loyalty during the holiday season.

Fourth, understand the people you want to target with your holiday advertising. Who are they? How will they see your ad? And how can your ads convert to sales? Answer these questions by creating an advertising strategy that speaks to the right customers.

It’s just as important to understand the consumer trends

An ein news report found that 89% of customers want to buy online and pick up their purchase in-store and 78% are likely to visit a store as a result of an alert on their mobile device. By looking at trends like these, holiday advertising tactics like mobile adverting are vital when connecting to your audience.

Another reason the holiday advertising season comes earlier each year is because the extra times give businesses the chance to test different ads and promotions. Taking the time to a/b test different advertisements will allow you to analyze the engagement with each ad. Depending on the data, choose the ads that perform the best and promote them during the busiest times of the holiday season.

Check out the article “test, test, and test again” if you want to learn more about the benefits of analyzing your advertisement’s data.

Time to get started
The reasons for the pre-holiday season IT Email List preparations are to build enough brand awareness so you won’t get buried with all the other holiday advertising. Make your advertising stand out and lead to sales.

Successful holiday advertising is the combined optimization of several factors. Start by creating a strong foundation with your website. Make is easily accessible to customers no matter their device or where their searching for you. Second, develop an advertising strategy that can stand up to the demand of the holiday season. Third, take advantage of multiple social platforms to build brand awareness and connect with new customers.

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