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In addition, you must bear in mind that: the employee could download data to mass memory only for a short period of time, and if possible, a system should be implementd that automatically deletes data

What does the company do this is an


Is the expansion strategy for everyone? February 14, 2021 The strategy of market expansion is not reserve for giants. For many companies, market expansion will simply be on a smaller scale. Still, some of the

Became possible after the introduction


 At the same time the first such developments appeare. Automation of business processes at that time was carrie out using systems of the ERP class and eMS (electronic document management systems). The origin of BPMS

What is the function of data entry forms


SQL is a powerful tool for managing and querying data. It enables users to extract meaningful insights from large datasets, make informed decisions, and automate repetitive tasks. One such task is sending email notifications based